Industry Spotlight: Stephanie Waddle

ThinkNW is excited to launch a new Industry Spotlight Series where we get to know individuals working in the regional marketing, advertising, and media community.

We are delighted to kick off this initiative and learn a little more about our very own ThinkNW Board of Director member Stephanie Waddle, Sr. Media Data Manager with Amazon MODE.

How did you get started in the industry? What’s been your career roadmap?

I started with an assistant media planner role out of Irvine, CA, at FCB (Foote, Cone, & Belding), working on Hilton Hotels with some of my best friends that I still have today. I never thought I’d spend as much time on the agency side as I did—13 years!

The industry was good to me, and I met some really great people in Los Angeles working at Palisades Interactive, then Deutsch (3 and 9 years, respectively). After that, I shifted to the brand side with Amazon in 2019 as a Media Manager for Amazon Music.

Now, I am moving on to the newly formed MODE team, which stands for Amazon Media, Operations, Data, and Execution, leveling up the work we do for our brand in paid media and organizing our data, so it’s meaningful and easier to optimize.

What excites you most about this industry?

I think most of the frustrations are universal, and people are finding ways to make things better, which is reassuring (data and cost transparency, brand safety, DEI, automated data, etc.)

What human quality do you most admire and also most deplore?

I admire people standing up for what they believe in, and their actions back it up, and I most deplore people who say they are going to do something but never follow through.

Out of all the projects you have worked on (or people you’ve worked with), which (or who) has been your favorite? And why?

I think my favorite work would have to be my current role on MODE. My team voices on behalf of media managers for reporting dashboards, marketing measurement, and other features. It really feels like we’re working together to make the world a better place (at least for media managers!)

What is your guiltiest pleasure?

A bit late to the game, but I am watching Outlander for the first time – so cheesy, but sooo good!

What is the most fun part of your job?

Making new friends. That and setting goals around what we should try to make better by creating a space for change and what is going well that we need to leave alone.

What is the app you wish someone would invent?

Waste less cooking recipes. It may already be out there, but I want to just scan my refrigerator and pantry, and my phone tells me what I can prepare in under 30 minutes.

What is your favorite local ad campaign?

Beacon Plumbing. I know I might be alone, but I love those so-horrible-it’s-good commercials. They’ve got great one-liners, and you can never get them out of your head, especially when you see them out in town or when you need their product/service.

Where is your favorite place in the Pacific Northwest?

I love Eastern Washington, especially the Leavenworth/Plain area.

To learn more about Stephanie Waddle and her work, visit her LinkedIn profile.

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