A ThinkNW Open Thank You!

On the last Thursday of September, our Pacific Northwest marketing, creative and advertising community gathered to fore-get all troubles and par-tee like the pro golfers we are.
To all who attended and supported our 2023 ThinkNW Golf Open, thank you!!! And thank you to our sponsors and partners who make this signature event possible.

You all helped us continue to fund our mission: advancing the business impact of bold Pacific Northwest creative thinkers.
To our title sponsor, Infillion: Your leadership with our third ThinkNW Golf Tournament helped make this the biggest event in our history.
More gratitude:
- TDW+Co, your support for our tournament and happy hour made it delightful.
- Kargo, people were game for your longest-drive competition.
- Billups, golf carts have never looked so good.
- MNI Targeted Media, thank you for energizing us with your delicious coffee.
- ChannelFactory, your sponsorship of wine added a touch of elegance to our event.
- 3-Point Brand Management, your fabulous gift bags were a hit among our attendees.
- Sabio, the snacks on the golf course were a lifesaver, and we appreciate your contribution.
- Viant, your provision of beer added to the fun and camaraderie of the day.
- 1338 Tryon, thank you for keeping us hydrated with water bottles.
- MiQ, your ‘closest to the pin’ challenge added extra excitement during the Open.
- Illumin, your assistance with the registration and check-in process was invaluable.
- Miracle Sign Co., your signage enhanced the event’s visibility and professionalism.
- The Trade Desk, all immensely enjoyed your sponsorship of the happy hour bar.
- Portlandrone, the shots were excellent, as usual.
- The Oregonian/Oregonlive, you made the 18th hole more fun with a photo experience unlike any other (check ’em out here).
We would also like to thank our hole sponsors:
FIR NW, Plastic Sunshine, Viant, Kargo, HMH, Broadhead, Hijinx, North, Big Giant, MiQ, Starch. Your presence at the golf holes made our Open extra exciting, and we loved seeing what your pop-ups were all about. We appreciate your support!

Lastly, we thank everyone who attended and supported this year’s tournament. Here’s a LinkedIn exchange between board member Tim Wang and Marc Moran that perfectly recaps this year’s Open:
Tim: “The ThinkNW Open is always a good time bringing #creativity from the #PNW together for some golf scramble… Good to see familiar faces and meet new ones. Oh, and I may have gone off-roading with the cart a few times. Sorry!”
Marc: “Cart path only! The marshals were not messing around this year.”
Tim: “Duuuuuuude.. I know… lol.”
ThinkNW community, we honestly cannot do it without you. Whether you ‘putt’ in work on the course or supported from afar, our 2023 Golf Open was a ‘hole’heartedly fantastic time. (We let Nicole keep the puns —Ed.)
Relive the moments with these pictures, courtesy of Mark Fenske.

See you next year!