2022 ThinkNW Marketing All-Stars: Sam Kolbert-Hyle, President & CEO of BrandLive

It’s not often that a webinar business can tout powering 315 events in 177 days. Nor can it celebrate raising $30M leading to a crucial moment in US history. And very few can say that they did just that for a sitting U.S. president and vice president.

That’s precisely what Brandlive did.

But that’s not all. This Portland-based tech darling makes webinars and all manner of digital events that, dare we say, are fun.

Leading the charge is Sam Kolbert-Hyle, Brandlive President and CEO, who has been at the company since the beginning of January 2020. The Wharton finance and history major helps the company keep making history, snapping up a prestigious Oregon Most Admired Company nod for 2022.

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