Fixing Broken Talent Feedback Loops

Feedback loops for talent are broken. How do companies create meaningful experiences and strong businesses without it? More importantly, how do they retain talent? Dr. Curtis Bullock led a conversation with Salesforce’s Christin Johnson and University of Oregon’s Dr. Chris Chávez. Watch the full video here, or check out the key takeaways, including:

  • The impact of hiring diverse talent
  • Challenges for marginalized communities
  • Personal identity and professional experiences
  • Finding your voice

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2019 Digital Marketing Predictions (+ 2018 Year-in-Review)

As we wind down 2018 this holiday season, it’s a time to reflect on the year’s highs and lows. It’s also a good time to revisit Anvil’s annual digital marketing predictions for 2018 and look forward with new digital marketing predictions for 2019. As we’ve done for the past 12+ years, we sat down and graded our 2018 predictions, then discussed our 2019 digital marketing predictions and are ready to share today.

2019 Digital Marketing Predictions (+ 2018 Year-in-Review)

As we wind down 2018 this holiday season, it’s a time to reflect on the year’s highs and lows. It’s also a good time to revisit Anvil’s annual digital marketing predictions for 2018 and look forward with new digital marketing predictions for 2019. As we’ve done for the past 12+ years, we sat down and graded our 2018 predictions, then discussed our 2019 digital marketing predictions and are ready to share today.