Boise’s Public Transit Gets a Creative Boost with “Let’s Ride, BOI”

Valley Regional Transit (VRT), Boise’s public transportation system, has undergone a remarkable transformation thanks to a vibrant new campaign from ThinkNW members Stoltz Marketing Group. “Let’s Ride, BOI” has breathed new life into the city’s bus system, shedding outdated perceptions and embracing Boise’s unique cultural identity.

Gone are the generic images of smiling commuters and endless disclaimers. “Let’s Ride, BOI” is a bold, energetic campaign that celebrates Boise’s diverse population and captures the city’s youthful spirit. Think eye-catching bus wraps featuring roller skaters, skateboarders, and everyday folks embracing public transit to connect with their community.

But this campaign is more than just a visual feast. It’s a strategic response to Boise’s rapid growth and the influx of new residents accustomed to robust public transportation systems. By tapping into the city’s existing coolness factor and highlighting the bus system’s convenience and accessibility, “Let’s Ride, BOI” is making public transit an attractive option for a wider audience.

We caught up with Mitch Kuhn, a creative director at Stoltz who is passionate about strategy. He revealed the campaign’s evolution, from the initial brief to the extensive research that informed the final direction. The result is a simple, impactful, and unmistakably Boise campaign.

Key Takeaways from the Conversation:

  • Campaign Objectives: Make the bus system cool and relevant to a broader audience, including newcomers to Boise.
  • Research Insights: Identified the need to tap into Boise’s existing coolness and address misconceptions about public transit.
  • Creative Approach: Developed a bold, energetic campaign that celebrates diversity, captures the city’s youthful spirit, and showcases real people using the bus.
  • Visual Identity: Utilized eye-catching bus wraps, shelters, and social media content featuring diverse characters and vibrant imagery.
  • Client-Agency Collaboration: Emphasized the importance of a strong partnership between VRT and Stoltz, fostering trust and shared vision.
  • Positive Impact: The campaign has generated excitement and pride among riders, positioning public transit as a cool and convenient option.

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